
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

TOMS Shoes and its Negative Impacts as a Humanitarian Aid Organisation Essay

TOMS Shoes and its Negative Impacts as a Humanitarian Aid Organisation - Essay Example And of course, this is exactly what TOMS shoes does. This program targets children in Africa with an intention to help curb some health issues associated with lack shoes in Africa. However, this humanitarian model for TOMS has economic impacts on the African continent. Apart from not being able to solve the issue it is meant to solve, it gives rise to at least two economic problems. The assumption on which the argument against aid is based on is that these poor people would be able to buy the locally produced shoes if the local enterprises were supported and helped to get the technology to produce cost-effectively and thus transfer these cost savings to the local people. This however, as Glennie (2009) argues, is not necessarily entirely true because aid programs such as TOMS shoes program operate under the presumption that the beneficiaries would not afford to buy their own shows even if they were produced locally and sold to them cheaply. The argument about this can be a philosophical one and depends on the perspective one decides to take. As Easterly (2007) says, humanitarian aid in Africa has for a long time been accused of crippling economic growth in the African continent. For instance, the results of a research done in 2008 indicated that the donation of second hand clothes to African nations proved to be responsible for the reduction of employment by at least 50% in the respective industry (Favini, 2013). Growth experts have also indicated that the only real opportunity for growth is the support of local manufacturers in order to create jobs for the many jobless people in the continent. What aid programs such as the TOMS shoes buy-one-give-one program are doing to Africa is that they are flooding the local economies with free items which have been made outside the continent, thus killing off market for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Letter to Government Essay Example for Free

Letter to Government Essay I am writing to you on behalf of your article in this weeks paper I think the curfew is a fantastic idea I am in full support of the Council proposing this great curfew. Where I live under 16s are taking over my neighbourhood me and the other residents in the area are feeling threatend by these gangs of yobs hanging around our area. All they do is go around drinking and creating uneeded noise which I and the rest of our neighbourhood would agree on. While we adults are staying indoors scared of going out they are out commiting crimes and going round doing under age drinking and under age sex and if the parents of these children could see what I see nearly every night then Im sure they would be in support with me. As I said before I am scared to go out of my house to go to the shops or to the pub or anywhere! because I am scared of getting jumped or mugged or even killed. Also this curfew would be a good idea because it would give new employees in the police force good experience of dealing with these situations so they are confident and experienced when it comes to a really big proper crime. Also if this curfew goes through then once all of the under 16s are indoors then it will make life easier for the police patrolling to catch the proper criminals because they wont have to put up with the cheek and disrespect that they recieve off the under 16s, also the under 16s need to respect the police force and realise that they are trying to protect them but they are just trying to show off in front of friends.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Discovering Communities on the Internet :: Computers Technology Papers

"Discovering Communities on the Internet" Section I Online Communities Online communities seem to be very popular these days. I feel there is two different types of online communities. One type is where people converse during real time, meaning an individual could typically ask a question and will receive an immediate response from someone else. The immediate responses result in a dialogue between two or more people. Bulletin Boards are also popular because they are similar to an online community. The bulletin boards allow people to share ideas. To my understanding, the main difference between the two is that someone posts an idea on the board, and another person responds to the inquiry or statement by posting his response. Both of these places allow people to have discussions of all kinds and for a variety of reasons. Some people may think that an online community is where they met their significant others. Other people think an online community allows them to find the house or car of his dream. Also, people will ask for advice or ideas about something that is going on in life. There are advantages and disadvantages in chatting with communities. Some of the advantages are as follows: people are connected with the world and the diversity of people; people are able to find out other people's interests and ideas; people can learn about a different person's perspective. Some disadvantages in chatting with communities are as follows: people can learn how scary and different people really are; people can lie to you with out you even knowing the truth. I have had personal experience with chat communities and I have found great success. I have used chat communities for educational purposes. When I have chatted with communities I felt at ease. For example instead of having a class discussion I chatted with my classmates online. This way of discussing ideas was neat, because at first I did not know who I was talking to, then eventually I did figure out who I was chatting with. Another reason why I have enjoyed chat room discussions versus in class discussions is because people had the opportunity to speak their minds over the computer and they were not hesitant or shy. People did not have to face humiliation from the teacher or other classmates by their vocal answer. Chat rooms allow everyone to be able to participate and get involved in the class.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Spotlight on Homework Essay

Some researchers are urging schools to take a fresh look at homework and its potential for engaging students and improving student performance. The key, they say, is to take into account grade-specific and developmental factors when determining the amount and kind of homework. So, what’s appropriate? What benefits can be expected? What makes for good homework policies? Research doesn’t have all the answers, but a review of some existing data yields some helpful observations and guidance. How Much Homework Do Students Do? Survey data and anecdotal evidence show that some students spend hours nightly doing homework. Homework overload is the exception rather than the norm; however, according to research from the Brookings Institution and the Rand Corporation (see the Brown Center 2003 below). Their researchers analyzed data from a variety of sources and concluded that the majority of U.S. students spend less than an hour a day on homework, regardless of grade level, and this has held true for most of the past 50 years. In the last 20 years, homework has increased only in the lower grade levels, and this increase is associated with neutral (and sometimes negative) effects on student achievement. How Much Is Appropriate? The National PTA recommendations fall in line with general guidelines suggested by researcher Harris Cooper: 10-20 minutes per night in the first grade, and an additional 10 minutes per grade level thereafter (e.g., 20 minutes for second grade, 120 minutes for twelfth). High school students may sometimes do more, depending on what classes they take (see Review of Educational Research, 2006). What are the benefits? Homework usually falls into one of three categories: practice, preparation, or extension. The purpose usually varies by grade. Individualized assignments that tap into students’ existing skills or interests can be motivating. At the elementary school level, homework can help students develop study skills and habits and can keep families informed about their child’s learning. At the secondary school level, student homework is associated with greater academic achievement. (Review of Educational Research, 2006) What’s good policy? Experts advise schools or districts to include teachers, parents, and students in any effort to set homework policies. Policies should address the purposes of homework; amount and frequency; school and teacher responsibilities; student responsibilities; and, the role of parents or others who assist students with homework. Reference: Cooper, H. (2003). A synthesis of research. Review of Educational Reseach, volume 76, Retrieved January 09, 2013, from http://www.nea.org/tools/16938.htm Reasons why students should not have homework Homework is supposed to ensure that all students retain the material covered in the classroom, but for many children it is an unnecessary chore and actually hinders their learning. Children learn best when they are interested in the subject. Positive mental attitude makes learning even challenging things much easier. Negative mental attitude, however, makes retaining knowledge harder and creates stress in a learner. It also takes much longer periods of time to complete. As a result children hardly have any time to develop their talents through extracurricular activities, or to spend adequate time with family and friends. Instead of being burdened with much resented huge loads of homework, children should have the opportunity for more self-directed and interactive learning at school to generate their interest and build in them positive attitude towards learning. Teachers should be more creative and use multimedia like computers and video presentations to make covered subjects more engaging involving children’s input more. Students should be allowed to suggest activities and projects they would like to do. In the present school system it is usually the teacher who decides what and how children should learn in class and at home. This promotes passivity and a sense that learning is a necessary evil rather than exiting opportunity to learn about the world we live in. This is very ineffective, making kids bored, stressed, and frustrated. Not to mention that it is often parents who do the reluctant kids’ homework therefore homework doesn’t help them to learn at all. They get their grades, but end up having learning gaps that will come out later on and hinder their success. Children who are struggling themselves with loads of homework lack the time to develop other than academic passions and experience very unhealty stress that cen result even in a depression. The numbers of children who take antidepressants is rapidly growing. Students who are defiant about their homework often have very strained relationship with their parents. It is a source of contention in too many families and contributes to deep emotional problems in these children and also inevitably may cause depression and substance abuse. The age of kids taking street drugs is getting lower and lower. Children as young as ten in some countries have a drinking problem and homework overload can be an indirect cause of that. That is why I think students should not have homework, but be able to have enjoyable learning experience at school and freedom to be encouraged by the teacher to expand their knowledge on their own terms at home, and to be rewarded for the extra effort instead of being forced to do homework they don’t like. Reference: Tehrani, E. (2009). Reasons why students should not have homework. Retrieved January 09, 2013, from http://www.helium.com/items/1309973-why-students-shoul-not-have-homework The Truth About Homework In high school, some studies do find a correlation between homework and test scores (or grades), but it’s usually fairly small, and it has a tendency to disappear when more sophisticated statistical controls are applied. Moreover, there’s no evidence that higher achievement is due to the homework even when an association does appear. It isn’t hard to think of other explanations for why successful students might be in classrooms where more homework is assigned—or why they might spend more time on it than their peers do. The results of national and international exams raise further doubts. One of many examples is an analysis of 1994 and 1999 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, or TIMSS, data from 50 countries. Researchers David P. Baker and Gerald K. LeTendre were scarcely able to conceal their surprise when they published their results last year: â€Å"Not only did we fail to find any positive relationships,† they wrote, but â€Å"the overall correlations between national average student achievement and national averages in [amount of homework assigned] are all negative.† Consider the assumption that homework should be beneficial just because it gives students more time to master a topic or skill. (Plenty of pundits rely on this premise when they call for extending the school day or year. Indeed, homework can be seen as a way of prolonging the school day on the cheap.) Unfortunately, this reasoning turns out to be woefully simplistic. Back â€Å"when experimental psychologists mainly studied words and nonsense syllables, it was thought that learning inevitably depended upon time,† the reading researcher Richard C. Anderson and his colleagues explain. But â€Å"subsequent research suggests that this belief is false.† The statement â€Å"People need time to learn things† is true, of course, but it doesn’t tell us much of practical value. On the other hand, the assertion â€Å"More time usually leads to better learning† is considerably more interesting. It’s also demonstrably untrue, however, because there are enough cases where more time doesn’t lead to better learning. In fact, more hours are least likely to produce better outcomes when understanding or creativity is involved. Anderson and his associates found that when children are taught to read by focusing on the meaning of the text (rather than primarily on phonetic skills), their learning does â€Å"not depend on amount of instructional time.† In math, too, as another group of researchers discovered, time on task is directly correlated to achievement only if both the activity and the outcome measure are focused on rote recall as opposed to problem-solving. Carole Ames of Michigan State University points out that it isn’t â€Å"quantitative changes in behavior†Ã¢â‚¬â€such as requiring students to spend more hours in front of books or worksheets—that help children learn better. Rather, it’s â€Å"qualitative changes in the ways students view themselves in relation to the task, engage in the process of learning, and then respond to the learning activities and situation.† In turn, these attitudes and responses emerge from the way teachers think about learning and, as a result, how they organize their classrooms. Assigning homework is unlikely to have a positive effect on any of these variables. We might say that education is less about how much the teacher covers than about what students can be helped to discover—and more time won’t help to bring about that shift. Regardless of one’s criteria, there is no reason to think that most students would be at any sort of disadvantage if homework were sharply reduced or even eliminated. But even if practice is sometimes useful, we’re not entitled to conclude that homework of this type works for most students. It isn’t of any use for those who don’t understand what they’re doing. Such homework makes them feel stupid; gets them accustomed to doing things the wrong way (because what’s really â€Å"reinforced† are mistaken assumptions); and teaches them to conceal what they don’t know. At the same time, other students in the same class already have the skill down cold, so further practice for them is a waste of time. You’ve got some kids, then, who don’t need the practice, and others who can’t use it. Furthermore, even if practice were helpful for most students, that wouldn’t mean they needed to do it at home. In my research, I found a number of superb teachers (at different grade levels and with diverse instructional styles) who rarely, if ever, found it necessary to assign homework. Some not only didn’t feel a need to make students read, write, or do math at home; they preferred to have students do these things during class, where it was possible to observe, guide, and discuss. Finally, any theoretical benefit of practice homework must be weighed against the effect it has on students’ interest in learning. If slogging through worksheets dampens one’s desire to read or think, surely that wouldn’t be worth an incremental improvement in skills. And when an activity feels like drudgery, the quality of learning tends to suffer, too. That so many children regard homework as something to finish as quickly as possible—or even as a significant source of stress—helps explain why it appears not to offer any academic advantage even for those who obediently sit down and complete the tasks they’ve been assigned. All that research showing little value to homework may not be so surprising after all. Reference: Kohn, A. (2006). The truth about homework. Retrieved January 09, 2013, from http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2006/09/06/02kohn.h26.html?tkn=RVRFTkNGGXy32nbQpdGsSFt01V8aHU5cZ3wG

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Group Proposal: develop a proposal for a group Essay

When the friction heats up in marriages, more people (10-20%) than ever before are considering getting professional help. That is very wise. We may be making progress. I am still disturbed that most do not seek help. What is wrong with the other 80%? Getting therapy seems so reasonable to me; it seems that every friend, every parent, every child, every relative, and every professional person in contact with the unhappy couple should recommend counseling. Why don’t they? Divorce is such an emotionally laden decision (perhaps more so than who to marry), we need help seeing the situation realistically, trying to resolve the problems, deciding what other alternatives exist, considering the consequences to others, making reasonable plans for our future, etc. Anyone going though marital hell or a divorce needs a friend to talk to and vent with, no doubt, but he/she needs much more than that–a wise, experienced, unemotional but empathic and caring counselor and a group of peop le who can relate. We are freer than we have been for centuries to dissolve an unhappy marriage. There are other factors associated with the increasing divorce rate. Many of these social-economic factors would be considered good, e.g. more equal education and job opportunities for women, higher incomes, fewer children, fewer religious restrictions, and general social acceptance of divorce and of women living alone. Yet, as we will see, there are terrible consequences frequently associated with divorce (and with continuing a bad marriage). Over 75% of Americans accept divorce as a solution when a couple can’t get along, even if they have children. There is concern by some that divorce may have become too easy (few people who have personally gone through a divorce consider it easy). But, what about those who are happily married and newly weds? Why not help a relationship strengthen before it gets to that point of divorce or feeling helpless? I would like to start a Support Group for newly married couples. These couples are not troubled couples but rather couples who want to enrichen their marriage and have the support of other newly married couples. Our society is built so much on how marriages fail but forget so easily those who work hard daily to keep their marriage healthy. Newly married couples need to know there are other couples out there who are making and succeeding  in this hard world. They need to know, yes, marriage is hard, but this is what we are doing to make it work. Therefore, I would like to propose a Support group called â€Å"Spousal Support†. Spousal Support would include all newly married couples who do not have serious marital issues. Those who are just married to ten years of marriage. Couples who are looking for support of other couples, building friendships, and other marriage enrichment resources. Couples who will be accepted into the group are those who feel they are alone in being happily married, or put down for saying they are happily married. The percent of married people who say they are â€Å"very happy† has gone down during the last 20 years, especially among women. â€Å"Happily married couples have rosy illusions about their marriage and they idealize their spouse. The more illusions, the happier the couple† (Azar, 1995). This Ideal stated here is the reason why more and more being a happy couple is in the minority and a support group is needed. A support group that believes being happily married is something you have to work on but is possible. Ursula K. LeGuin once said; â€Å"Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; re-made all the time, made new. Screening and selection of couples will be done through an interview. The interview will consist of questions about their relationship and what they want to get out of Spousal Support. Those who are not experiencing major marital issues and want support in their marriage will be accepted. Couples who are considering divorce, infidelity or other major marital issues will not be accepted into this group. Any couple who has been married ten years or less, and considers themselves happily married. Couples who have been married for less than ten years are many times considered either still in the â€Å"honey moon† stage or are considering Divorce. Regardless the first ten years can be hard, not just because you are working out your marriage but because of society pressures. This group will consist of five couples, meeting once a week on Sunday at 4 p.m. for 16 weeks. There will be a break of a month and new members will be  able to join at that time. The group will determine a convenient private meeting place and occasionally take outings to local venues. Group members will be briefed during the initial interview as to what will take place and what is expected in the group. Also discussed will be goals that each couple would like to make. Ground rules for the group will be open for discussion during the first meeting: Couples must always be as a couple never alone Please be timely Please be respectful and caring of other couples and relationships Confidentiality is very important Topics explored will consist of any marriage enrichment discussions, exercises, resources and free for all night once a month. Discussions would include any issues that may come about in day-to-day lives like finding intimate time together, free time, working on careers, building a family, and any outside pressures. Exercises would include questionnaires, inventories, role-playing, communication exercises, and games. Resources are very valuable to have, like a good self-help book, or videos, even ideas to help the couple be there for one another. A free for all night will be given for any topics that couples may want to talk about or focus an entire meeting on in the future. This will allow them to throw out ideas in a less structured tone. Couple will be given time to bond more freely with each other and plan any outings the group will take. The specific outcomes I would like the group members to attain is knowing that a marriage can succeed and not every issue has to be hard. I would like them to realize that there are other couples out there who work hard at making the marriage work. My last outcome I would like the group members to have is resources and ways for them to work through their problems and strengthen their marriage in a healthy way.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The freedom of choice essays

The freedom of choice essays The right of a woman to have an abortion has been given by the courts by supporting the constitution. Yet people still slander people who are going into the clinics. They use deception as well as confusing language to appeal to peoples emotion, which is a fallacy in arguments. The protesters think they have the right to force upon values to other people although the constitutions states that everyone is free. All women should have the right to chose to get an abortion because it is her baby not the publics. The forth amendment of the constitution is about the right to privacy, which protects the woman's right to chose. In the supreme court case Roe v. Wade in 1973 the judges ruled that abortion was legal. This shows that people should not harass the doctors and the patients because it is acceptable by law. Also the forth amendment also supports the women because she has the right to keep her choice confidential. No other person - not even her husband - has the right to dictate what she may do with her own body.(Ayar Rand) No one should be forced to keep her baby if she doesn't want to. There are also many legitimate reasons whey a women might have an abortion such as if a person is raped and if she cannot take care of it well because of financial difficulties, and if she cannot choose it would be taking away her rights. Abortions are private affairs and while the decision is painful and full of consequences it is usually ignored by the anti abortionists. The safety of abortions have increased drastically since 1973. about 89 percent of the women who obtain abortions are less than 13 weeks pregnant. Since most abortions are done early it minimizes the number of complications and the risk of death. Also the fact shows that most women do not go through the controversial partial birth or second trimester abortions. The two main ways of abortions are medicall ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Music of The Minds essays

Music of The Minds essays Take a few minutes to reflect on your childhood days in school. Did you sing in the choir or play in the band? If so, do you remember the days of learning your scales by singing Do Re Mi? Do you recall your first Christmas concert? Do you remember your foot tapping the floor as you tried to stay in beat? Or maybe you were just trying to concentrate on not playing or singing out of tune. Music plays a role in the development of children from a very early age and continues throughout their lives. It allows them to dream. It gives them hope, inspiration, passion, and joy. Music education improves early cognitive development; increases higher scores on standardized tests; and enhances your memory. Children who receive music training are likely to reap benefits far beyond those which can be found from passive listening. It is clear that cognitive stimulation reaches a high level during music training. Music training is fun, but is always a challenge to a students cognitive abilities. After all, a child working on a mathematical problem can sit back and contemplate it for as long as necessary before committing it to paper. The same child, playing with a band, must keep up with the group and at the same time think ahead to prepare for what is coming. In no other subject is a child called upon to make three or four decisions per second and to act on them continuously for long stretches at a time. During a musical performance, children must constantly turn thoughts into actions. Their thought structures have to be updated and adjusted frequently. This blend of constant awareness and forethought is an educational experience of unique value. One can easily see why children with musi cal training are able to deal more easily with material which cannot immediately be assimilated. These children may be able to learn more easily and store information better than children who are not given the opportunity to ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Tips Every Freshman needs to Know for Back to School Season by EssaySupply.com

10 Tips Every Freshman needs to Know for Back to School Season 10 Tips To Know Before School Season As you get ready to begin your first year of college, there are probably dozens of things you have done to prepare yourself. You’ve most likely shopped for dorm room furnishings, purchased a new laptop for studying and entertainment, taken a tour of the classroom, introduced yourself to your new dorm mate, and more. Hopefully, you are as prepared as you can be. However, if you aren’t feeling as confident about the start of the school year as you should be, don’t worry. We have compiled a list of ten tips for new college freshmen that you won’t hear in any orientation. 1. Create an Open and Honest Relationship with Your Roommate Here is the deal. Unless something extreme happens, you and your roommate will be together for one semester at a minimum before your RA will even entertain the thought of making a move. Try getting together and setting up a few ground rules around issues such as visitors, cleaning, and food. Then, agree to approach each other honestly when there are issues and avoid being passive aggressive. 2. Grades Aren’t Everything Here’s a shocking revelation. Many of your future employers will care less about your GPA. They’ll care that you graduated. They’ll care about research projects, whether or not you’ve been published, internships, work experience, and relevant activities. So, study hard, but take the time to be a well-rounded student. 3. Party Wisely Let’s be realistic. You will go to parties. Just be safe and use some common sense. Go to parties with friends and leave with friends. Make sure there is one person in the group that will not be drinking. Don’t binge drink or accept drinks from anybody you do not trust explicitly. Leave enough time in your schedule for sleep and studying. 4. Scope out Places Near Campus that Serve food all Night Every college student needs a go-to diner, cafà ©, or greasy spoon to hit late at night when they have the munchies. These are great places to go for a burger, a cup of coffee, or just a quiet late night study spot. 5. Say Hi to Your Professors If you have questions, a comment on a lecture, or a concern about an upcoming assignment stop by your instructor’s office. They will be more than happy to hear from you. If you have nothing to say, just pop your head in the door to say hello. 6. It’s okay to Befriend Upper Classmen This isn’t high school where upper classmen would never lower themselves to hang with a ‘frosh’. Friendships in college tend to be founded around common interests, not grade level or age. 7. There are more ways to get Help than you are told You have many options for getting help with school work on campus. This is great, but sometimes that help isn’t what you need. If you need real help with writing assignments, look into a service like where you can buy essay online that are custom written and quality-guaranteed. 8. Print Everything the Night Before The biggest mistake you can make is to finish your homework and then plan to print it out before class. It is almost guaranteed that you will run into problems. Leave yourself plenty of time to get things printed out. Also, don’t forget to upload your writing assignments to turnitin.com or your instructor’s web portal. 9. Find a Place to Study Outside of your Room Your dorm room has your roommate, visitors, and a ton of electronics. Then, there’s also the temptation to sleep or clean. Find a nice quite spot on or off campus to do your studying. 10. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand You won’t always have time to get a proper meal. Carry healthy snacks to munch on during the day, and you won’t be tempted to pig out at night.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Biomedicine pre study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biomedicine pre study - Essay Example The remaining portion of the cell except the nucleus or the knuckled region is the cytoplasm and consists of cytosol and various organelles essential for the functioning of the cell. Ribosomes are simple organelles in which protein synthesis occurs (Kent, 2000). The cell wall of plant cell is made up of cellulose while that of animal cell is made up of phospholipids. Such a cell wall allows the plant to take in large amounts of water through osmosis without being destroyed. Plant cells synthesise energy by means of photosynthesis during which sunlight is converted to energy. For this purpose, plant cells have chloroplasts which have their own DNA and which direct the work of chloroplasts, These organelles are absent in animal cells and animal cells synthesise energy through metabolism of the food they take. Another major difference is the presence single large vacuole in the plant cells. Animal cells have small multiple vacuoles. Also, plant cells have a regular shape and the shape of animal cells varies greatly (Kent, 2000). DNA and RNA are the structures in the cell which carry inherited traits. Inheritance mainly occurs due to meiosis. In this type of cell division, the genome of the diploid germ cell which has long segments of DNA organized in chromosomes undergoes two rounds of cell division resulting in four haploid cells. During division, replication of DNA occurs. Each of the four haploid cells contains one complete set of chromosomes which is half of the genetic content of the original cell. The haploid cells act as gametes and fuse with gametes of the partner. One gamete fuses with only one gamete of the partner . This is known as fertilization and this leads to a new diploid cell or zygote. Thus chromosomes of each parent undergo recombination in a homologous manner during the process of meiosis and thus each zygote inherits DNA from both parents (Kent, 2000). The four most

Friday, October 18, 2019

Toddler Development and Its Influences Research Paper

Toddler Development and Its Influences - Research Paper Example The article provides related information about infants to children aged below five years. A toddler is a child between the years of 1 to 3 years of age. This period of time is considered the most exciting and challenging times for both parents and pediatricians. The most evident and dramatic changes occur in language and interpersonal skills. Themes in affective development include the toddler’s striving for autonomy and independence from the parents, a continued importance of attachment with the family, and the initial work on achieving impulse control. Nutrition unlike any other factors has the ability to affect the child’s brain development both as an external and internal factor. It is considered external because if the foods needed to provide certain nutrients are not available the body lacks materials with which to create new brain cells, neurons and other brain structures (Rosales et.al, 2009). These nutrients include protein, zinc, iron and special fats among ot her nutrients. Nutrition is considered an internal facto because it directly affects the formation of the brain itself including the genetic makeup of the brain. At this age, the child is the inquisitive stage. This means that most of his activities require him to think more and ask questions. This means that his brain activities have increased and his brain is quite active in addition to growing. It is a tricky to feed children at this stage. This is because they are self-independent now and they have preferences for certain foods. Parents should provide several dishes in small portions. The dishes should be colorful and have nice flavors but at the same time have the nutritional value to promote brain development. It is important to understand that a balanced diet is essential in a child’s life as it is to any other individual. This applies to children yet to be born and those already born. It has been identified that pre-natal malnutrition has many negative effects on a ch ild. Some of these effects can be related to cognitive deficits, behavior problems, and low academic achievements. For this reason, it is essential to ensure that a child is provided with proper balance of nutrients so that there can be normal brain development (Rosales et.al, 2009). As stated above, nutrition is a major aspect during a child’s development. This is termed important because it causes reduction of cell production, has great effects on normal cell sizes, and changes their structural appearance. In addition to these effects, nutritional imbalance leads to low communication between cells in the brain. This is the reason such children seem to have lower academic performances or even perform lower in other areas. The potential impact of this research is that it can be of assistance to parents, nutritionists to provide appropriate diet for the toddler and how diet may prevent brain under development. The second scholarly article that was reviewed was written by Mitch ell S. J. and Cabrera N. J. and is called An Exploratory Study of Fathers’ Parenting Stress and Toddlers’ Social Development in Low-Income African American families. The date of the publication was the year 2009. The article attempts to find out the mediation effect on toddlers that fathers’ engagement has on them. The results indicate that there is moderate levels of parenting stress on the fathers, however the results do not indicate any direct effects of stress on

An improvement Approach to Quality Education In the United States of Research Proposal

An improvement Approach to Quality Education In the United States of America - Research Proposal Example This essay declares that the common aim of the entire US educational system must be established as the Deming philosophy applied to education suggests that each school in its educational setting is a component of the whole educational system in America and each school is obligated to accomplish the overall aim of the system, rather than focusing exclusively on maximizing its own performance. Otherwise, the effort among schools will be fragmented and the system will be sub-optimized; each and every school must exist to accomplish the common aim – to educate students to be equal American citizens, equal not only in political or social rights but also in educationally determined abilities to be both self-supporting and contributing American citizens. This paper makes a conclusion that the Japanese system did not develop without drawbacks or flaws that have had to be eliminated as the country became able to afford the solutions economically. Nevertheless, the emphasis on co-operation at all levels, a necessity within environments having extremely scarce resources, has contributed tremendously to raising the educational standard of the entire population in Japan. Perhaps for the first time in American experience, resources are becoming scarce and encouraging individuality and competition is incompatible with providing quality education at minimum cost; we must re-evaluate co-operation as a most efficient and cost effective approach to providing quality education equally to all students in American state schools.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reporting Results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Reporting Results - Essay Example This unique feature applicable to not-for-profit organizations have made the accounting industry defined them differently. A basic concept in the non-profit organizations is the net asset. This is asset with fewer liabilities. Such assets are also called funds. Instead of showing retained earnings or owners equity, the non-profit financial statements show net assets (Finkler, 2010). The source of their money is not through the sale of goods and service but through voluntary contributions from the public. They however provide welfare services that are not in anyway motivated by profit making. Their definition is, therefore, not similar to for profit organizations. They are exempted from tax paying mainly because they are of bigger benefit to the public but to another extend will limit the revenue that the council will be collecting especially if they expand acquiring properties that previously pay tax to the council. There have been rules set by GAAP that have enabled uniformity in the not-for profit organization in their reporting. Though there is still little difference in their reporting there is a much bigger consistency in their reporting. Some of these organizations are charity and service organization. They are organized as a not-for-profit corporation, a cooperative, or they exist informally. Others operate like a foundation, but they are more complex in its administration they hold more favorable tax and are restricted in the public charities they

Management of organisations CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES Essay

Management of organisations CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES - Essay Example Corus was created in 1999 through a merger of British Steel and Koninklijle Hoogovens, a Netherlands-based company. The company was experiencing under-performance and operational problems for a period of time. It needed to change in order to turn-around the whole company and restore its competitiveness. The change was initiated by two business strategies, Restoring Success and the Corus Way Programme, which focused on continuous improvement. It was only after the successful implementation when the company became profitable again. It became attractive that today, it has become a part of the Tata Steel Group. This paper aims at exploring and evaluating the continuous improvement strategies in Corus. It focuses on how Corus used its knowledge and experience of continuous improvement to win new customers and find new ways of achieving its objectives from limited resources. The paper has identified some key environmental, economic and social imperatives that drove the company to implement improvement strategies. It has disclosed several quality tools that the company has utilised in order to improve its business processes and performance. It has also pinned down the system of managing quality in the company's production sites. Several years ago Corus bid for a Royal Navy contract for steel in one of the navy's destroyer vessels project. The project was considered as the largest Royal Navy contract awarded in history. Corus failed to acquire the project because the Royal Navy project consultants established that the company has no capability of meeting the high quality specification of steel plate required. Banking on the loss of the biggest contract, Corus management decided to invest in quality management and improvement of its machinery and processes. It has invested millions in their steel plate mills in order to be ready for any similar contracts in the future. Today, the steel manufacturing company focuses on meeting the needs of its customers and providing innovative solutions. Social Imperative In 2003, three Corus employees and four contractors were fatally injured on Corus sites. All serious incidents were cause for the greatest concern and were thoroughly investigated. Recommendations were being made to prevent recurrence, improve job satisfaction and maximize health and safety. The top management committee continually leads the company's initiatives of improving safety performance. They aim to have a continuous reduction of serious accidents as measured by lost time injury frequency rate. Environmental Imperative As a steel manufacturer, Corus believes that good environmental performance is critical to the success of its business. The company aims to improve such performance continuously. It places great emphasis on contributing to a sustainable society and carry out its business in a responsible manner. The climate change is a significant global issue. Corus recognises its role in contributing to the reduction of the problem of green house gases. Emissions to air and discharges to water were focused for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reporting Results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Reporting Results - Essay Example This unique feature applicable to not-for-profit organizations have made the accounting industry defined them differently. A basic concept in the non-profit organizations is the net asset. This is asset with fewer liabilities. Such assets are also called funds. Instead of showing retained earnings or owners equity, the non-profit financial statements show net assets (Finkler, 2010). The source of their money is not through the sale of goods and service but through voluntary contributions from the public. They however provide welfare services that are not in anyway motivated by profit making. Their definition is, therefore, not similar to for profit organizations. They are exempted from tax paying mainly because they are of bigger benefit to the public but to another extend will limit the revenue that the council will be collecting especially if they expand acquiring properties that previously pay tax to the council. There have been rules set by GAAP that have enabled uniformity in the not-for profit organization in their reporting. Though there is still little difference in their reporting there is a much bigger consistency in their reporting. Some of these organizations are charity and service organization. They are organized as a not-for-profit corporation, a cooperative, or they exist informally. Others operate like a foundation, but they are more complex in its administration they hold more favorable tax and are restricted in the public charities they

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A response to the reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A response to the reading - Essay Example Doree symbolizes the traditional woman- the obedient daughter, the subservient wife, the careful female friend, and the loyal mother- because of her society that molded her into a passive, identity-less person, until she realizes that she has a much bigger purpose in life, to save someone because she wants to, and not because she is ordered to. Doree stands for the stereotypical woman, the one who leaves nothing for herself, and this begins in her childhood. At sixteen years old, she should be in school, preparing soon for her college life. Apparently, her mother has no other caregiver, but her daughter. Doree takes care of her mother, while neglecting her own dreams. She gives up the beginnings of her youth to be a good daughter. She makes her mother happy in the process, but not herself. Her puberty is spent on being the dutiful daughter that her mother wants her to be. Lloyd changes that, however, when he shifts the power of control from her mother to him. Without any other family members, Doree is vulnerable to manipulation, and devoid of a strong identity, Lloyd takes advantage of her youth and inexperience in life. Munro uses the environment to illustrate the weakness of Doree as a woman with no identity. Munro says in her story that the snow is gone and â€Å"it was hot enough to go bare-armed† and â€Å"sunlight was pouring down through naked branches† (Munro). Nature assaults people with its warmth. In the same way, people around Doree try to control her, and she is easy to control because she has no will of her own. She is like a leaf that lets the wind carry her to any direction. As a husband, Lloyd is an authoritarian who always makes important decisions; he is the unbearable wind in Doree’s life. He decides that their children should be home-schooled. He also demands that Doree breastfeed their babies, even though she wants to feed them on bottles already. Doree cannot control her own body because Lloyd must have the final say in that. By making decisions on family planning and breastfeeding, decisions that should belong to Doree too, Lloyd conditions his wife to be purely submissive. Furthermore, Lloyd does not want to Doree to say anything against him. When Doree calls him silly, he says: â€Å"Careful. Don’t call me silly† (Munro). He uses a threatening tone when Doree tries to have a small argument with him. Lloyd does not accept insubordination. Doree appears to be one of his slaves, a slave who should follow orders without hesitancy and who should never point out his mistakes. Doree has become a good female friend, which is typical for female friends, but unlike most women, she keeps her life secret. Maggie seems to be her only real friend, but Doree does not say anything about her marriage problems. Maggie appears to know better and that is enough for Doree. Their relationship affirms personal beliefs about women-women friendships. They understand one another without speaking. The mai n concern for Doree is that she has a misplaced sense of loyalty. She thinks: â€Å"[Lloyd] was still the closest person in the world to her, and she felt that everything would collapse if she were to bring herself to tell someone exactly how he was, if she were to be entirely disloyal† (Munro). Lloyd is a psychologically abusive husband who isolates his family and controls them

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sports textile Essay Example for Free

Sports textile Essay Sports textile is one of the branches of technical textiles. Now a day’s sophisticated technology are used in technical textile to produce sports wear. Hi-tech textiles in sport are 1 S. NO TOPIC PAGE NO 1 Introduction 2 2 Objective 3 3 Properties/Function required for sports wear 3 3. 1. Desirable attributes of functional sports and leisure wear 5 3. 2. Properties of sports textiles 6 4 Textile material and fabric structure for sports wear 7 4. 1. Development of fibers 7 4. 2. High-performance fibers 8 4. 3. Special fibers used 10 4. 4. Types of fabrics 11 4. 5. Layered fabrics 13 5 Market size for sports wear 14. 5. 1. The key impediments to the growth of sporttech product 15 6 Application/Uses of sportswear 16 7 Conclusion 16 8 Bibliography 17 nothing new. In twenty first century, clothing is an important issue for general consumer, active athletes and for those who practice sports just for fitness in their leisure time. The sports fabrics are generally ultra-breathable and have high heat and moisture management properties, light weight, fast drying properties and feature elasticity properties. These fabrics also have superior strength and durability. The latest sports textile materials are much more function for fulfilling  specific needs in different sports activities. The sports such are i. Winter sports ii. Summer sports iii. Outdoor games iv. Indoor games v. Football vi. Cricket vii. Climbing viii. Cycling ix. Flying and sailing sports x. Athletics xi. Other sports The people are paying more attention to sports activity and that the market for sportswear continues to expand. So the consumers seem to be prepared to spend considerable amounts of money on sportswear and other functional fabrics, which have made the market attractive to many producers. In sports, previously a traditionalapparel textilewas used. For that theplayer hasto face so many problems such as: i. Sweating – which stick the fabric with body ii. Feeling hot during run iii. Improper stretch ability iv. Extra weight of the fabric v. Give protection to body skin during fall on the ground vi. Inadequate fabric for fluid resistance for swimmer vii. Windproof, waterproof fabric for sailor 2 viii. Light weight shoe with proper strength air circulation ix. High tenacity resistance to abrasion for the skiwear uniform x. Improper gripping of the shoes during run etc. Therefore,technologyhastodevelopfortheaboveshortcomings. Andforthattheresearch activity took place; and the country who were in the foremost are: Japan, Sweden, Spain and United State. To bridge the gap and promote the partnership and collaboration between the stakeholders government-end users. 3. PROPERTIES/FUNCTIONS REQUIRED FOR SPORTSWEAR Many different aspects have to be considered when designing clothing for a particular sport. 1. The protection/safety functions to protect wearers from adverse weather (wind, rain and snow, etc). 2. The comfort function which gives wear comfort (thermo-physiological comfort, skin sensorial comfort, body movement comfort) to wearers, 3. The exercise function to assist positively improvement of athletic records and attainment of one’s target, 4. Aesthetic appeal and high fashion ability. In order to meet such requirements, waterproof/moisture permeable fabrics, perspiration absorbing/ fast drying fabrics, warmth retentive fabrics, stretchable fabrics, etc. have been developed. From sensitivity or aesthetics point of view softness, surface texture, handle, luster, colour comfort are important factors. 3 5. For active sportswear requires super lightweight, low fluid resistance, super high tenacity stretchablility. For those who are seeking comfort healthy pursuits critical features include thermal regulation, UV resistance, sweat absorption fast drying, vapour permeability. 6. Moisture management is one of the key performance criteria in todays apparel industry. It is defined as the ability of a garment to transport moisture away from the skin to the garments outer surface. This action prevents perspiration from remaining next to the skin. In hot conditions, trapped moisture may heat up and lead to fatigue or diminished performance. In cold conditions, trapped moisture will drop in temperature and cause chilling and hypothermia. Excess moisture may also cause the garment to become heavy, as well as cause damage to the skin from chafing. Table no. 1 Function of sports textiles. S. No Function Description 1. Heat transport performances The sport fabrics require to maintain body temperature during various sports activities. The heat transport properties of fabric make possible to feel the sportsman cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The fibrous material, bulk entrapped air within the fabric affects the heat transport properties of the sportswear. 2 Moisture transport performance By changing the cross sections of the fiber and by using special chemicals; fabrics are made which have high moisture transport properties. Such fabric keeps the body dry by keeping moisture away from body surface in vapor and/or liquid form. 3 Anti-static performances Sportswear fabrics have a very high electrical conductivity, so they can dissipate electrical charge. 4 4 Antimicrobial performances Keeping a normal level of bacteria on the skin offers a high level of comfort and personal hygiene, especially during athletic activities. 5 Ultraviolet protection Sports fabrics can remove UV-A and UV-B rays that are dangerous to the skin, and guarantees an improved level of defense compared to the majority general natural and man-made fibres. 3. 1. Desirable attributes of functional sports and leisurewear: a. Optimum heat and moisture regulation. b. Rapid moisture absorption and conveyance capacity. c. Good air and water permeability d. Prevention of a long term feeling of dampness. e. Low water absorption of the layer of clothing facing the skin. f. Quick drying fabric to prevent catching cold. g. Pleasant to skin, soft, non-abrasive and non-chafing. h. Dimensionally stable even when wet. i. Durable j. Lightweight k. Soft and pleasant touch l. Easy care m. Smart and functional design Table no: 2 Required functions on the main sportswear S. No. Sportswear Required Function 1. Shirts for tennis,volleyball, golf, football, rugby, base ball uniform, tracksuits etc. Sweat absorption, fast drying, cooling. 2. Skiwear, wind breakers, rain wear Vapor permeability, water proofing 3. Skiwear, wind breakers, tracksuits Sunlight absorbing and thermal retention 5 4. Swimming race and skating costume, ski jump and downhill skiing suits, cycling costumes Low fluid resistance (for water and air) 5. Swimwear, leotards, skating costume. Stretch ability, opacity 6. Skiwear, snowboard wear, football and base ball uniform High tenacity, heat melt resistance to abrasion 3. 2. Properties of sports textiles: Sports textile must have comport ability, easy to wear, easy handling. Sports textiles fabrics have a very high electrical conductivity, so they can permit the effectual dissipation of electrical charge. It should be light as best as possible. Fabric filaments are made highly effecting in moisture management thus they can wick the moisture as known as sweat away from the body keeps body dry. Sports textile should have good perspiration fastness.As this sports fabric has a special property well known as heat conductivity make possible to feel the user cooler in summer warmer in winter. Garments manufactured from sports textiles fabrics, keeps the normal stability of body comfort, because these fabrics are ultra-breathable, fast drying and possess outstanding moisture managing properties, which rapidly wick moisture away from the body. These garments are also very less in weight feature elasticity properties, which provides immense comfort and independence of movement.Keeping a normal level of bacteria on the skin offers a high level of comfort and personal hygiene, especially during athletic activities. Sports textiles fabrics remove UVA and UVB rays that are dangerous to the skin, and guarantees an improved level of defense compared to the majority general natural and man-made fibers. It also provides superior strength and durability. The athletics the leisure activities for their better performance in the sports. 4. TEXTILE MATERIAL AND FABRIC STRUCTURE FOR SPORTSWEAR: 6 It is not possible to achieve all required properties for sportswear in a simple structure of any single fiber. The right type of fiber should be in the right place. The behavior of the fabric is mainly depending on its base fibers properties. The most important properties are: fiber type;weave construction; weight or thickness of the material and presence of chemical treatments. 4. 1. Development of fibers: The evolution of fiber developments has gone through the phases of conventional fibers, highly functional fibers and high-performance fibers. Polyester is the single most common fiber used for sportswear and active wear. Other fibers suitable for active wear are polyamide, polypropylene, acrylics and elastanes. Wool and cotton fibers are still finding applications in leisurewear. Synthetic fibers can either be modified during manufacture, e. g. by producing  hollow fibers and fibers with irregular cross-section, or be optimally blended with natural fibers to improve their thermo-physiological and sensory properties. Synthetic fibers with improved UV resistance and having anti-microbial properties are also commercially available for use in sportswear. Improved fiber spinning techniques in melt spinning, wet spinning, dry spinning as well as new techniques such as gel spinning, bi-component spinning and microfiber spinning, have all made it possible to produce fibers, yarns and fabrics with unique performance characteristics suitable for use in sportswear and sports goods. New technologies for producing microfibers have also contributed towards production of high-tech sportswear. By using the conjugate spinning technique, many different types of sophisticated fibers with various functions have been commercially produced which has resulted in fabrics having improved mechanical, physical, chemical and biological functions. The technique of producing sheath/core melt spun conjugate fibers has been commercially exploited for producing added-value fibers. Unitika produced the first heat-degenerating conjugate fiber with a core containing zirconium carbide (ZrC). S0ince ZrC absorbs sunlight (visible and near-infrared radiations) and emits far-infrared radiation, one feels warmer when one puts on a jacket made from such fibers. Other types of heat-generating fibers contain ceramic micro-particles. 4. 2. High-performance fibers: Today, a wide range of high-performance fibers is commercially available for technical and industrial applications. These types of fibers are used in sports protective wear/equipment 7 developed for impact protection and in textile reinforcement in sports products for different applications. Among the speciality fibers already established are the following. Aramidfibers: Figure no: 1 aramid fibers Figure no: 2 Gloves made from aramid  ± p-aramid fiber will provide high strength and ballistics.  ± m-aramid fiber will provide flame and heat resistance. Ultra-high tenacity polyethylene fibers (UHMWPE): Gel spun, ultra high molecular polyethylene fibers with extremely high specific strength and modulus, high chemical resistance and high abrasion resistance. Polyphenylene sulphide fibers (PPS): Crystalline thermoplastic fiber with mechanical properties similar to regular polyester fiber. Excellent heat and chemical resistance. 8 Polyetheretherketone fibers (PEEK): Crystalline thermoplastic fiber with high resistance to heat and to a wide range of chemicals. Novoloid (cured phenol-aldehyde) fibers: High flame resistance, non-melting with high resistance to acid, solvents, steam, chemicals and fuels. Good moisture regain and soft hand. PBO (p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole) fibers: The strength and modulus of this fiber exceed those of any known fibers. Table no: 3 Characteristics of High-performance fibers High-performance fibers Characteristics Glass fiber High resistance. Aramid Mechanical strength and high resistance to flame and heat. High tenacity polyethylene High mechanical strength, chemical  and abrasion resistance. Polyphenylene sulfide Excellent chemical and heat resistance. PBO(polybenzoxazole) High mechanical strength. . 4. 3. Special fibers used: †¢Hygra20 †¢Killat N23 Killat N from Kanebo Ltd is a nylon hollow filament. The hollow portion is about 33 per cent of the cross section of each filament due to which it gives good water absorbency and warmth retentive property. The manufacturing technology of Killat N is 9 very interesting. The yarn is spun as bicomponent filament yarn with soluble polyester copolymer as the core portion and nylon as the skin portion. Then by giving alkali weight  loss treatment the soluble polyester copolymer of the bicomponent filament will dissolve and a large hollow portion (exceeding 30 per cent of the cross section) will be created as shown is Figure 5. †¢Dacron 4-Channel Polyester a generic term for a high-performance four-channel fiber engineered to move moisture and speed the evaporation of perspiration. It is a superior fabric for wicking action, drying time, moisture absorption and transport. A high-performance, four-channel fiber engineered to move moisture and speed the evaporation of perspiration. It is a superior fabric, for wicking action, drying time,moisture absorption and transport. Lycra25 Figure no:3 Swimwear made by lycra Lycra, a truly synthetic fiber of long chain polymer composed of at least 85% segmented polyurethane, finds wide range of end uses such as swimwear, active sportswear, floor gymnastics because of its comfort and fit2O. Adding Lycra to a fabric gives it stretch and recovery, particularly in gymnastics and swimwear where body skin flexing and stretching are inevitable. Lycra T-9026 requires still effort for the same extensibility. Roica and Leofeel 10 Roica is a polyether type spandex made by dry spinning method and Leofeel is asoft nylon-66 yarn developed by Asahi Chemical. The combination of Roica and Leofeel in mixed knitted tricot fabric gives a soft touch and excellent stretch. It is mainly used in swim wear . 4. 4. Types of fabrics: A wide range of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics are commercially available for sportswear and normal wear. These fabrics differ in their structure such as entrapped air, pore shape and size, bulk and surface properties etc. which may affect the heat and moisture transmission characteristics of the fabrics. For sportswear, knitted fabrics are preferred as these fabrics have greater elasticity  and stretchability compared to woven fabrics, which provide unrestricted freedom of movement and transmission of body vapour to the next textile layer in the clothing system. With new combinations of fabrics and yarns, and with developments in fabric construction, knitted fabric appears to be the ideal base for active sportswear. Knitted garments are mainly worn next to the skin and therefore deserve particular attention.Entrant Dermizax EV is a lightweight fabric having a feather smooth texture with excellent waterproof/moisture permeability and durable water repellency such as 20,000 mm of water pressure resistance and moisture permeability of 30,000 g/m2/24 hrs. It is an excellent and original active sportswear fabric with globally top class water proof/moisture permeability, as well as excellently durable water repellency. Its action of waterproofing moisture permeability. fig no:4 Entrant Dermizax EV fiber †¢Entrant HB is a new generation fabric with hybrid structure that synergistically integrates the advantages offered by a coating (well-balanced moisture permeability) and lamination (high waterproofness). It has high resistance to water pressure and high 11 durability against repeated washings (80 points or higher after 20 wash cycles). Its main application is outdoor wear. Toray has developed H2OFF made up of polyester microfibre fabric with a unique high-density weave structure comprising millions of microcrimped fiber loops. It also feature superb and durable water repellency, superior breathability and wind-chill resistance and attractiveness with soft hand. †¢Naiva30: Unitika has developed Naiva fabric by combining the Naiva yarn with a nylon microfibre. Naiva is an Eval/nylon bicomponent filament yarn and Eval is nothing but a copolymer resin of ethylenevinylalcohol. Naiva yarn composition is 55% Eval (23% ethylene + 32% vinyl alcohol) and 45% nylon. In the Naiva fabrics there are many nylon micro loops on the surface, which are formed by making use of high thermal shrinkage property of Naiva yarn. Naiva fabric not only has good moisture permeability but also has some other positive features like lightweight, softness and has capability of secondary finishing. The fabric is very successfully used in mountaineering wear and other active sportswear. fig no:5 structure of Naiva 30. Field Sensor21: Field Sensor is a very popular high-performance fabric from Toray,  which employs a multilayer structure that not only absorbs perspiration quickly but also transports it up to the outer layer of fabric very rapidly using principle of capillary action. It is composed of coarser denier yarn on the inside surface (in direct contact with skin), and fine denier hydrophobic polyester yarn in a mesh construction on the outer surface to accelerate quick evaporation of sweat. COOLMAX: DuPont CoolMax is a high-performance fabric that can help the athletic performance of the people who wear it. CoolMax ® moves sweat away from the body to 12 the outer layer of the fabric, where it dries faster than any other fabric. In moisture management tests, garments made with CoolMax dried almost completely in 30 minutes. Cotton, by comparison, remained wet by nearly 50%. Better evaporation means you spend less energy to cool your body, which increases your performance and endurance. CoolMax fabrics are specially designed to provide not only superior moisture management, but also to enhance the wearers comfort. All of the benefits of CoolMax fabrics are permanently built right into the fiber, requiring no chemical treatments. 4. 5. Layered fabrics: Layered fabrics became common for active sportswear. The performance of layered fabric in thermophysiological regulation is better than single layer textile structure. Each layer has distinct function; the layer next to the skin is to wick away the perspiration rapidly to the outer layer, which absorbs and dissipates it rapidly to the atmosphere by evaporation. In doing so, it takes away some of the body heat and keeps the body cool. On the inside, a synthetic material with good moisture transfer properties, e. g. polyester, nylon, acrylic or polypropylene is used whereas on the outside, a material which is good absorber of moisture, e. g.cotton, wool, viscose rayon or their blends can be placed. The conductive inner layer transfers the liquid perspiration rapidly to the absorbent outer layer chiefly as a result of the capillary effect. The absorbent outside of the textile material functions as a buffer zone for excess perspiration. In another way of constructing a physiologically functional fabric is three-layer structure. The use of superfine or microfibre yarn enables production of dense fabrics leading to more effective capillary action, with better thermo-physiological regulation. 13 14 Cellulosic or other Hydrophilic Fibres. Fig no:6 Two layered fabric structure for active wear 15 16 Cellulosic or Hydrophilic fibres Polyester micro fibres Polyester or other wicking fiber Fig no:7 Three layered fabric structure for active wear 5. MARKET SIZE FOR SPORTS TEXTILES: The technical textiles usage in the Sportech segment is valued at Rs 2,632 crore in 2007-08. The sports footwear components account for around 85% of the total segment value followed by technical textiles usage in sports composites with around 11%share. The sports footwear components are valued at Rs 2,250 crore and are expected to grow at around 11% y- o-y over the next 5 years. The technical textiles usage in sports composites is valued at Rs 293 crore. Sport composites include inflatable balls (footballs, volleyball, basketballs, etc), cricket protective equipments and boxing equipments. Around 30% of the sports composites are exported. Artificial turfs are valued at Rs 26 crore and account for about 1% of the segment only. The artificial turfs are not manufactured in India and the demand is met through imports.The usage of technical textiles in parachute fabrics, sleeping bags and hot air balloon fabricsisestimatedasRs18. 4crorein2007-08whichisexpectedtoincreasetoRs28crore by 2012-13. The consumption of sail cloth in India is negligible. †¢Sports nets, high performance swimwear and tents account for the remaining technical textiles consumption in Sportech with market size of Rs 5 crore, Rs 0. 84 crore and Rs 39 crore respectively in 2007-08. India exports around 40% of its sports nets production and around 25% of its tents production. The usage of technical textiles in sports nets and tents is expected to increase to Rs 30 crore and Rs 49. 8 crore respectively by 2012-13. Overall, the usage of technical textiles in the Sportech segment is expected to increase 17 fromRs2,632crorein2007-08toaroundRs4,358croreby2012-13,growingata CAGRof just below 11%. Sportech segment of technical textiles is estimated to provide employment to 88,000 peopleofwhomnumberoftechnicalemployeesisestimatedat70,000andnumberof non-technical employees is estimated at 18,000.The sports footwear industry is expected to grow by at least 8 percent per annum and accordingly, the demand potential for sports shoes and the attendant requirement of fabrics would be as below Table no: 4 Market Potential for fabric requirement for sports wear Year Sports Shoes Requirement of fabric (million meters) Million Pairs Value(Rs. Crore) 2001-02 570 5100(1020). 105 2003-04 595 5950(1200) 120 2007-08 804 8040(1600) 140 Note: Figures in brackets indicate approximate value of technical textile shoe component 5. 1. The key impediments to the growth of Sporttech products:- Inadequate domestic demand The raw materials and machinery for products like Ballooning fabric and Artificial turfs is not available in India which render these products expensive as compared to other manufacturing countries Demand for products like parachute fabrics, tents, etc is driven primarily by the  defense sector onlySportech products are typically labour intensive, availability of skilled labour is a major impediment to growth Licenses and clearances required for products like Ballooning fabric are a major impediment as well. This interactive workshop on Sports Textile focuses on building bridges between the Users and Manufactures. It will provide thought leadership and strategic vision to the technical textile industry in general and Sports textile in particular. 6. APPLICATIONS/USES OF SPORTSWEAR: Sports textile has versatile use. Some uses of Sports Textile are given below: 18 i. Sports composites ii. Artificial turf iii. Ballooning fabrics iv. Parachute fabrics v. Sail cloth vi. Sports nets vii. Sports footwear viii. Tents for sports ix. Swimming costume x. Sleeping bags xi. Sports equipment xii. Cycling xiii. Golf xiv. Tennis xv. Mountaineering, xvi. Skiing, xvii. Cricket, etc. 7. CONCLUSIONS Modern peoples are paying more attention to sports activity. The use of sports fabric is increasing day by day in various sports and leisure activities. The consumers seem to be prepared to spend considerable amounts of money on sportswear and other functional fabrics. During designing the sportswear fabrics, the aspects which are considered: protection/safety functions to protect wearers from adverse weather, comfort functions which gives wear comfort (thermal, sensorial and body movement comfort), exercise function to enhance performance of athlete, and aesthetic appeal and high fashion ability. The required functions of sportswear fabrics differ in different situations such as type of sports, environmental conditions and level of activity etc. Sportswear developed by using special type of polymer, type of fibrous material, modifying the fiber/yarn/fabric structure, lamination,  finishing technology and manufacturing technology etc. The introduction of high functionality and comfort in the sportswear fabrics provide unlimited scope for sportswear fabrics. 19 8. BIBILIOGRAPHY: ?Development Active Sportswear Fabrics and Synthetic Fibre Producers, JTN, Dec. ,1983, ?Sports Textile/Sporttech | Properties of Sports Textile | Application/Uses of Sports Textile, http://textilelearner. blogspot. in/2012/03/sports-textilesporttech-properties-of. html Assessed on 24. 12. 2012 ?International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 Volume 2, No.1, January 2013 ?i-Xplore International Research Journal Consortium www. irjcjournals. org ?Active Sportswear Fabrics ? Dr. Devanand Uttam, Assistant Professor, Punjab Technical University, Giani Zail Singh Campus, Bathinda, India ?FICCI Presents interactive workshop on sports textiles by Ministry of textiles. ?COOLMAX ® Performance Fabrics, 11495_CoolMaxSS_v3 2/25/04. ?Textiles in sports† by R. Shishoo ?An emergence of sport-tech in technical textile industry by M. Nithiyakumar,G. Thamotharam ?www. indiantextile journal. com ?www. fibre2fashion. com ?www. texmin. com ?www. design-technology. org/sportsshoes1. htm .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Stephen Dedalus And Dorian Gray

Stephen Dedalus And Dorian Gray Stephen Dedalus from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man written by James Joyce and Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray written by Oscar Wilde, go through many life changes. These two stories are in a ways similar to each other. Where the two main characters go though crucial transformation and how they are influence by religion and peers. As well in the way the authors wrote the novels by using symbolisms to develop the characters throughout the novel also play a role in these two stories. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man tells a story of Stephen Dedalus how decides to cast off all his social, family, and religious constraints to live a life devoted to the art of writing. As a young boy he attends a strict religious boarding school called Clongowes Wood College. Stephen is lonely and homesick at the school but as time passes he finds his place among the other boys. He likes is visits home, even though family tensions run high after the death of the Irish political leader Parnell. As they had a Christmas diner the death of Parnell becomes the topic. Simon, Stephens father, is inept with money and the family sinks deeper and deeper into debt. Stephen realizes that his family cannot afford to send him back to Clongowes, and that they will instead move to Dublin. He attended a prestigious day school called Belvedere there is where he grows to do extremely well as a writer and as an actor in the student theater. His first sexual experience with a young Dublin prostit ute unleashes a storm of guilt and shame in Stephen. He ignores his religious education, throwing himself with morally wrong abandon into a variety of sins like masturbation and more visits to prostitutes. Then on a three day religious retreat, Stephen hears a tri of fiery sermons about sin, judgment, and hell. Deeply shaken Stephen resolves to rededicate himself to a life of Christian piety. Stephen begins attending Mass every day became Ming a model of Catholic piety abstinence and self denial. His religious devotion is so pronounced that the director of his school asks him to consider entering the priesthood. After a brief considering the offer Stephen realizes that priestly life is utterly incompatible with his love for sensual beauty. Awaiting news about his acceptance to the university Stephen goes for a walk on the beach, were he observes a young girl wading in the tide. He is struck by her beauty and realizes in a moment of epiphany, that the love and desire of beauty should not be a source of shame. Stephen moves on to the university where he develops a strong friendship with Cranly. In a series of conversation with his companions, Stephen works to formulate his theories about art. While he is dependent on his friends as listeners, he is determined to create an independent existence, liberated from the expectations of friends and family. Stephen becomes more and more determined to free himself from all limiting pressures, and eventually decides to leave Ireland to escape them. In the story The Picture of Dorian Gray tells a story of Dorian Gray a wealthy and beautiful young man who curses his fate and pledges his soul if only he could live without bearing the physical burns of aging and sinning. In the London home of his aunt Lady Brandon the well known artist Basil Hallward meets Dorian Gray. Dorian sits for several portraits and Basil often depicts him as an ancient Greek hero or a mythological figure. Basil painted a portrait of Dorian as he truly is but as he admits to his friend Lord Henry the painting disappoints him because it reveals too much of his feeling for his subject. Lord Henry enjoys scandalizing his friends by celebrating youth, beauty and the selfish pursuit of pleasure; he disagrees claiming that the portrait is Basils masterpiece. Dorian enters the studio and Basil introduces him to Lord Henry and he fears that he will have a damaging influence on the young Dorian. Lord Henry upsets Dorian with a speech about the transient nature of bea uty and youth. Dorian worries that his most impressive characteristics are fading day by day and curses his portrait which he believes will one day remind him of the beauty he will have lost. In distress he pledges his soul if only the painting could bear the burden of ageing allowing him to stay forever young. Lord Henrys influence over Dorian grows stronger. The youth becomes a disciple of the new Hedonism and proposes to live a life dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure. Dorian falls in love with Sibyl Vane a young actress who performs in a theater on Londons slums. Overcome by her emotions for Dorian, Sibyl decides that she can no longer act. She wonders how she can pretend to love on the stage now that she has experienced the real thing. Dorian who loves Sibyl because of her ability to act he cruelly breaks his engagement with her. After he leaves the theater he returns home to notice that his face in Basils portrait of him has changed. It is then when he fears that that his wis h for his likeness in the painting to bear the ill effects of his behavior has come true and that his sins will be recorded on the canvas. The following afternoon Lord Henry brings news that Sibyl has killed herself. At Lord Henrys urging Dorian decides to consider her death a sort of artistic triumph and to put the matter behind him. Meanwhile Dorian hides his portrait in a remote upper room of his house where no one other than he can watch its transformation. Lord Henry gives Dorian a book that describes the wicked exploits of the nineteenth century Frenchman it becomes Dorians bible as he sinks ever deeper into a life of sin and corruption. Dorian lives a life devoted to garnering new experiences and sensations with no regard for conventional standards of morality or the consequences of his actions. His peers nevertheless continue to accept him because he remains young and beautiful. The painting, however, grows increasingly hideous. One night Basil Hallward arrives at Dorians ho me to confront him about the rumors that plague his reputation. They argue and Dorian eventually offers Basil a look at his soul. He shows Basil the now hideous portrait and Basil horrified begs him to repent. Dorian claims it is too late for penance and kills Basil in a fit of rage. To dispose of the body Dorian employs one of his doctor friend how refuses to help Dorian but at the end he helps his because Dorian blackmails him. The night after the murder Dorian makes his way to an opium den where he encounters James Vane the bother of Sibyl and attempts to avenge his sister death. Dorian then escapes to his country state while entertaining guest he notice James Vane peering in through a window and he becomes wracked by fear and guilt. A hunting party accidentally shoots and kills Vane, Dorian feels safe again. He resolves to amend his life but cannot muster the courage to confess his crimes, and the painting now reveals his supposed desire to repent for what it is hypocrisy. He pi cks up the knife he used to stab Basil and attempts to destroy the painting. There is a crash, and Dorians servants enter to find the portrait unharmed showing Dorian as a beautiful young man. On the floor lies the body of their master an old man, horribly wrinkled and disfigured, with a knife plunged into his heart. First over the course of the novels this two characters went through several transformation. Stephen Dedalus first transformation was during his first years as Clongowes, he goes from a sheltered little boy to a bright student who understands social interactions and can begin to make sense of the world around him. The second occurs when Stephen sleeps with the Dublin prostitute he went from innocence to a sinner. The third transformation occurs when Stephen hears Father Arnalls speech on death and hell he went from an unrepentant sinner to a devout Catholic. Finally, Stephens greatest transformation is from near fanatical religiousness to a new devotion to art and beauty. That transformation took place in chapter 4 when he is offered entry to the Jesuit order but refuses it in order to attend university. Stephens refusal and his subsequent epiphany on the beach mark his transition from belief in God to belief in aesthetic beauty. This transformation continues through his college year s. By the end of his time in college, Stephen has become a fully formed artist, and his diary entries reflect the independent individual he has became. In contrast with Dorian Gray, he went through several transformations as well. Dorians first transformation to me was when he was introduce to Lord Henry he went from being this young beautiful boy, close minded person to a selfish person with an obsession towards his beauty. His second transformation was when he breaks Sibyls heart. She being torn it drives her to suicide herself. This is the point where Dorian first notice the portrait that Basil had painted of himself starts to change. Here is where Dorian reveals that his pledge of staying young forever and his portrait taking the side effects of ageing are becoming true. As Dorians sins grow worse over the years, his likeness in Basils portrait grows more hideous. He seems to lack a conscience but the desire to repent that he eventually feels illustrated that he is indeed human. Dorian third transformation would be when he murders his friend Basil. He is unable to distract himself from the dissipation of his soul. Although in th e past he has been able to be sweep infamies from his mind, he cannot shake the thought that he has killed his friend Basil. Dorians guilt tortures him relentlessly until he is forced to go away with his portrait. Throughout this transformation not both of the characters went through a good change. Stephen Dedalus transformation went for a good one, well at least for him. As for Dorians transformation it went all bad from the beginning to the end. Also these two characters have in common that they in their own way were influence and let themselves get influence by others. Stephen Dedalus was influence by his family, his Catholic faith, and Irish nationality. Brought up in a devout Catholic family Stephen initially ascribes to an absolute belief in the morals of the church. As a teenager, this belief leads him to two opposite boundaries. At first, he falls into the extreme of sin, repeatedly sleeping with prostitutes and deliberately turning his back on religion. Though Stephen sins willfully, he is always aware that he acts in violation of the churchs rules. Second, when Father Arnalls speech prompts him to return to Catholicism, he bounces to the other extreme, becoming a perfect, near fanatical model of religious devotion and obedience. Eventually Stephen realizes that both of these lifestyles the completely sinful and the completely devout are extremes that have been false and harmful. Dorian Gray influence are heavily mostly by Lord Henry believes and his yellow book given to Dorian by Lord Henry. The yellow book has a profound effect on Dorian, influencing him to predominantly immoral behavior. Reflecting on Dorians power over Basil and deciding that he would like to seduce Dorian in much the same way Lord Henry points out that there is something terribly enthralling in the exercise of influence. Falling under the wave of such influence is perhaps unavoidable but the novel ultimately censures the sacrifice of ones self to another. Basils worship of Dorian leads to his murder and Dorians devotion to Lord Henrys hedonism and the yellow book precipitate his own downfall. As this two characters go through influences they at a point break apart. Stephen Dedalus does not want to lead a completely debauched life, but also rejects austere Catholicism because he feels that it does not permit him the full experience of being human. He reaches a decision to embrace life and celebrate humanity after seeing a young girl wading at a beach. To Stephen the girl is a symbol of pure goodness and of life lived to the fullest. In comparison to Dorians influences it is little wonder in a novel that prizes individualism the uncompromised expression of self that the sacrifice of ones self, whether it is to another person or to a work of art, leads to ones destruction. The authors way on writing their novels with symbolism enables them to develop their characters. In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, Joyce uses several symbolisms to develop his character Stephen Dedalus. Stephen associates the colors green and maroon with his governess, Dante and with two leaders of Irish resistance, Parnell and Davitt. In a dream after Parnells death, Stephen sees Dante dressed in green and maroon as the Irish people mourn their fallen leader. This vision indicates that Stephen associates the two colors with the way Irish politics are played out among the members of his own family. Another symbolism that Joyce uses is Emma. Emma appears only in glimpses throughout Stephens young life, and he never gets to know her as a person. Instead, she becomes a symbol of pure love, untainted by sexuality or reality. Stephen worships Emma as the ideal of feminine purity. When he goes through his devoutly religious phase he imagines his rewards for his pie ty as a union with Emma is heaven. When he is at the university he finally has a conversation with Emma. Stephens diary entry regarding this conversation portrays Emma as a real, friendly and somewhat ordinary girl, but not as a goddess Stephen earlier makes her out to be. His view if Emma mirrors Stephens abandonment of the extremes of complete sin and complete devotion in favor of a middle path, the devotion to the appreciation of beauty. Joyce also establishes water as a twin symbol of birth and death. Water imagery in the Portrait my point toward pleasure or pain, life or death, or it may be used to suggest both at once. Stephen fears the sea since he views it as an emblem of his own futility but it is the seaside epiphany which awakens him to the demands of life. In chapter five it is where Joyce exploitss the antithetical value of water. Joyce wrote He drained his third cup of watery tea to the dregs and set to chewing the crusts of fried bread that were scattered near him, st aring into the dark pool of the jar. The yellow dripping had backed to his memory the dark turfcoloured water of the bath in Clongowes. Here the tone of the language has been radically changed, the symbolism reversed, and this abrupt reversal emphasizes the change in Stephens state of mine. As for The Picture of Dorian Gray the author Oscar Wilde also uses symbolism in his novel. Wildes uses the color white as Dorians path from figure of innocence to a figure of degradation. White connotes innocence and blankness, as it does when Dorian is first introduced. It was the white purity of Dorians boyhood that Lord Henry finds so captivating. Basil invokes whiteness when he learns that Dorian has sacrificed his innocence and as the artist stares in horror at the ruined portrait he quotes a biblical verse from the book of Isaiah Though your sins be as scarlet, yet I will make them as white as snow those day were over for Dorian innocence. When the color appears again in the form of James Vanes face like a white handkerchief peering in through a window, it has been transformed from the color of innocence to the color of death. It is this threatening pall that makes Dorian long at the end of the novel, for his rose-white boyhood, but the hope is in vain, and he proves unable to wash away the stains of his sins. Wilde also uses the opium dens as a symbol. The opium dens represent the sordid state of Dorians mind. He flees to them at a crucial moment. After killing Basil, Dorian seeks to forget the awfulness of his crime by losing consciousness in a drug-induced stupor. Although he has a canister of opium in his home, he leaves the safety of his neat and proper parlor to travel to the dark dens that reflect the degradation of his soul. Finally, Wilde uses James Vane as a symbol as well. James is less a believable character that an embodiment of Dorians tortured conscience. As Sibyls brother he is rather flat caricature if the avenging relative. Appearing at the dock and later at Dorians country estate, James has an almost ghost spectral quality. James appears with his face like a white handkerchief to goad Dorian into accepting responsibility for the crime he has committed. Overall these two novels A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and The Picture of Dorian Gray the main characters Stephen Dedalus and Dorian Gray undergo through life changes. Stephen Dedalus development throughout the novel went evolving to living a good life as he grow up he shut all his influences and develop his own taking him where he wants to be in life. As for Dorian Gray his development as he grows did not succeed. He was always influence throughout the novel he did not do anything to revel to the people he was being influence by and at the end it end it up in tragedy. Work Cited Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. New York: Viking, 1916 Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. New York: Oxford, 2006 Litz, A. Walton. James Joyce. Boston: Twayne, 1966

Saturday, October 12, 2019

College Football at its Best :: Essays Papers

College Football at its Best As a writer for espn.com, Eric Neel travels around college campuses and examines the many different atmospheres on college football game days. One of his many visits was to the city of Columbus to witness one of the greatest traditions in sports in the Ohio State Buckeyes. His campus tour as it is called is not a competition and he does not rank the schools, but in his article about Ohio State he voices his opinion that it is the top place to watch a football game. For many citizens of Ohio and mainly Columbus, Buckeye football is a religion and this fact impressed Eric Neel and compelled him to say that Columbus was like no other place he had ever seen. He is analyzing Columbus’ football atmosphere on a beautiful Saturday in which the fans are tailgating for the game against the Spartans of Michigan State. The article is written to all college football fans and especially to Ohio State fans to credit them for being the best college football fans in the nation. There are many great places to watch college football games in the nation and giving one the distinction of best is a bold statement. The author supports his claim with his experiences during his day in Columbus and gives different stories of his interactions during the day. His examples are convincing because they show many different aspects of the experience of Ohio State football games. Each story and example is very different, but truly shows the spirit of Buckeye followers. He starts his article with a story about three men dressed in scarlet and grey suits, which are the Ohio State colors, and tells how they are going to a wedding. This simple story tells how important Buckeye football is to the people of Columbus and the support that is present from all the fans. He tells of the miles and miles of tailgaters who are located all around the stadium, and he even compares this situation to a pilgrimage to Mecca. A pilgrimage to Mecca is the most important part of the entire Islami c religion and being compared to this, is a strong support for the passion present during a game day in Columbus. The list goes on and on with supporting evidence and the author does not even come close to including all the different aspects of his topic.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Three Challenges That Might Arise When Writing a Paper

Poor research skills, and choosing an interesting topic. To overcome the vocabulary issue a thesaurus is helpful, for research skills, practice reading and read about many different subjects. To come up with a good, interesting topic, brainstorm and ask friends and classmates for input. Three challenges you may encounter while writing a paper; 1. Not understanding the topic 2. Not knowing where to start 3.Not knowing how to make your paragraphs cohesive. I can give you ideas of some challenges that might arise when writing a paper, but we don't write essays or paragraphs for people here. [ Some challenges that arise when writing are: deciding on a thesis, finding a sufficient amount of reputable sources, staying on topic throughout the paper, finding one's own spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors, varying sentence structure in order to make the paper flow, and staying on task.Some challenges include: Not having a strong voluntary, Poor research skills, and choosing an interes ting topic. To overcome the vocabulary issue a thesaurus is helpful, for research skills, practice reading and read about many different subjects. To come up with a good, interesting topic, brainstorm and ask friends and classmates for input. Three challenges you may encounter while writing a paper; 1. Not understanding the topic 2. Not knowing where to start 3.Not knowing how to make your paragraphs cohesive. I can give you ideas of some challenges that might arise when writing a paper, but we don't write essays or paragraphs for people here. [ Some challenges that arise when writing are: deciding on a thesis, finding a sufficient amount of reputable sources, staying on topic throughout the paper, finding one's own spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors, varying sentence structure in order to make the paper flow, and staying on task.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Wizard of Oz- How Is Dorothy a Feminist Hero?

In what ways can Dorothy be described as a feminist hero? In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum has made sure there is a feminist hero in his book. This is because everyone should see an example of a good feminist hero, especially around the time when this book was written; in 1900, it was very rare to read a book with any sort of feminism in it. Dorothy throughout the book, shows many heroic acts supporting the idea that she is a feminist hero. When L. Frank Baum is talking about Dorothy in the book, she is always leading the rest of the characters. During the book whenever the characters come across danger Dorothy is usually the one to stand up for them and not just thinking of herself. Dorothy is always helping the characters out instead of waiting for one of the male characters to help them instead. When L. Frank Baum is describing Dorothy and her friends, Dorothy is always described as independent and competent, the reasons why is because she leads and suggests the way to everyone so she doesn’t have to always rely on everyone else. We are told how Dorothy discovers the tin wood man (p. 34), how Dorothy tells everyone that â€Å"we must cross this strange place in order to get to the other side† she says this without worrying and she is taking charge (p. 167) and how Dorothy builds everyone a warm fire (p. 50). In the book leadership plays a strong part of Dorothy’s characteristics as she is not always relying on others for direction. Throughout the story, we are lead to see that Dorothy is a strong, competent and independent character. These are important qualities for any feminist to have, because if they weren’t strong or they were dependant on others, they wouldn’t be able to achieve anything in their lives and they wouldn’t be able to lead others. Dorothy always tries to help out even in dangerous situations, proving that she is not cowardly. There is evidence of this when Dorothy slaps the lion on the nose, after fearing for Toto’s safety (p. 3), she also speaks to the lion and sternly says ‘Don’t you dare bite Toto! You ought to be ashamed of yourself†¦ † (p. 43). Dorothy helps her friends to push the raft ashore, this put her life in danger but she still helped them (p. 60). These examples start to create an image of a character that is very brave and not in any way a cowardly or frightened person. By using these examples in the book, L. Frank Baum has created a brave and heroic main character for the story. This an be just of the features of a feminist her o because; if Dorothy is brave it means that she is not afraid to stand up for herself as well as her friends, meaning that Dorothy is mentally strong. Baum has described Dorothy as very kind to everyone and that she likes to help others, instead of waiting for one of the male characters to come and help instead. We can see examples of this when Dorothy asks the tin woodman â€Å"what can I do for you? †, he is a complete stranger but this doesn’t bother her as she can see that he needs help (p. 5), when Dorothy helps free the scarecrow from the pole that he is stuck to and later befriending him (p. 22), when they are trying to cross the hill the lion and the tin woodman get knocked to the ground, ‘Dorothy ran down and helped the scarecrow to his feet. ’ (p. 208). These acts of kindness show that Dorothy is a very kind, caring and helpful girl and is always willing to help someone in need, no matter what. It doesn’t worry her that she is female and traditionally the male characters take charge and rescue everyone. This is important because, if she didn’t help out and stood back for the male characters to help out then she wouldn’t be thought of as, a feminist because all the male characters would be in charge and in power not her, and if she wasn’t kind to others then no one would want to know her and she would have no one to help, stand up for or be a hero to. L. Frank Baum has made Dorothy an easy character to get along with so that people will want to get to know her and they will have a hero to look up to. Dorothy being helpful and kind is very important for her and is the main reason why everybody likes to be in her company. In conclusion we can see that L. Frank Baum, throughout the story tells us of many heroic acts that Dorothy has achieved, proving that she is a feminist hero. During the book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy is always leading the rest of the characters, whenever the characters come across danger Dorothy always stands up for the others and Dorothy is always helping others instead of waiting for one of the male characters to help. Baum uses these examples to create a feminist hero for the story, instead of having the usual dominant male character.